The market

Elon Musk, along with Tesla, has shown how courage, determination, and a bit of luck can open up a new market and even make old industrial giants sweat. But as is often the case in the history of market revolutions, the world may miss a great opportunity and a promising new industry. An industry that is not only profitable, but more importantly, can improve the quality of life. The need for immersion cooling and data centers, IoT and Artificial Intelligence is growing rapidly. Local demand for sufficient quality cannot be satisfied in the World, and even in the USA they report problems with the lack of data centers and competent software developers. The demand for effective immersion cooling is now growing so rapidly that there is no end in sight.

The demand for effective immersion cooling is now growing so rapidly that there is no end in sight. Did you know that about 10,000 data centers and 100 mining farms with immersion cooling are currently operating in the SSA? CIRCLE GEN wants to seize this opportunity and capture the still open world market of high-quality immersion cooled data centers. As for the creation and construction of our data centers, the development of immersion equipment, we have only one guide – and it is called quality. Circlegen stands for immersion cooling and construction of data centers of the highest quality, which successfully exceeds all international quality standards.

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